Prof. Fei Luo Prof. Fei Luo



 Research Interests:

1.The perception, experience, and modulation of pain; the changes in the mind and the brain induced by pain; and the accompanied sensory, emotional, and cognitive process.
2.Cognitive methods to promote psychosomatic well-being, including the oriental medication, yoga, Zen, and group approaches.
3.Modern technology for psychological intervention, including those with stimulation and biofeedback.



        1984.8~1990.8   MD,Beijing Medical University  Beijing, China   
        1990.8~1995.8   Ph.D., Neurophysiology,Beijing Medical University  Department of Physiology Beijing, China   

        1995-1998     Senior Lecturer Department of Physiology, Beijing Medical University
        1998-2004     Associate Professor Department of Neurobiology ,Peking University Health Science Center
        1999-2000     Visiting Research Fellow, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Wake Forest   University  School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC, USA
        2003               Visiting Professor ,Department of Physiology and Pharmacology Wake Forest University School of Medicine Winston-Salem, NC, USA ,
        2004-2005     Professor, Department of Neurobiology, Peking University Health Science Center
        2005-              Professor, Institute of Psychology ,Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing, China